
Pokémon the Series

The season follows the continuing adventures of Ash Ketchum, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie in the Kalos region, where they encounter the sinister Team Flare.

神奇寶貝XYZ|優惠推薦- 蝦皮購物

BD藍光碟高清日本卡通動漫神奇寶貝第5季精靈寶可夢XY&XYZ 完整版4碟盒裝國日雙語中繁字幕. $700. 滿額折$50. rating-star-full. 5.0. BD藍光動漫動畫精靈寶可夢/神奇 ...

Watch Pokémon the Series: XYZ

As our heroes continue their journey to Snowbelle City, they encounter a young Pokémon faced with the challenges of growing up!

Pokémon Season

Follow Ash, Pikachu, and their friends as they explore the deepest mysteries of the Kalos region! Team Flare has plans for the Legendary Pokémon Zygarde and ...

Explore Seasons

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《寶可夢XY》(日語:ポケットモンスターXY,英語:Pokémon XY或Pocket Monsters XY),是日本東京電視系於2013年10月17日開始播放,至2016年11月10日結束。本作為以寶可夢 ...


TheseasonfollowsthecontinuingadventuresofAshKetchum,Serena,Clemont,andBonnieintheKalosregion,wheretheyencounterthesinisterTeamFlare.,BD藍光碟高清日本卡通動漫神奇寶貝第5季精靈寶可夢XY&XYZ完整版4碟盒裝國日雙語中繁字幕.$700.滿額折$50.rating-star-full.5.0.BD藍光動漫動畫精靈寶可夢/神奇 ...,AsourheroescontinuetheirjourneytoSnowbelleCity,theyencounterayoungPokémonfacedwiththechallengesofgrowingup...